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Time to update you.

As you've probably seen from my Instagram and Facebook, for those of you who follow me, I have recently returned from NYC after graduating from the New York School of Interior Design. Since then a lot of things have changed and I haven't really had the chance for a quick update.

I finished school in NYC at the end of May and completed my NYSID, BID certificate. The year in NYC was a crazy one, it must be said, but such an exciting eye-opening and often challenging experience. The school is in a great location, on the Upper East Side, although during my second semester I moved to Hoboken and commuted. I really enjoyed my experience I made life long friends, learnt so much about the industry and found so much confidence in myself as a young designer and personally. I would like to thank my wonderful wonderful talented instructors and my fabulous new friends. (Cheeky shout out to Nicole Gagnon and Felix Archambault, these two are going to be BIG, love you!) Instagram: @felixarchibald / @neecolelynne.

After finishing school, I flew back to England and after tackling the mountains of suitcases I had accumulated while in New York, I began preparing for an Interview in Italy. The interview was at Terry Dwan Studio in Milano Centrale and I only had a one week turn around to put together my entire portfolio with all of my school work. Luckily I managed to get everything finished and flew to Milan at the beginning of June. I’m very glad to say the meeting with Terry Dwan went well and I was offered the opportunity to Intern with her for the month of July.

Oh and by the way, between coming home and starting my Internship, I turned 20!!!! (July 1st).

One day after my Birthday I packed my bags (again) and flew to Milan to begin my design adventure at Dwan Studios. I started on the 4th of July and have been working there since. I don’t even know where to begin but I am having such a wonderful time. Terry is such a wonderful person to have given me a taste of the industry. She is the perfect combination of creative, entrepreneurial, head-strong and she knows exactly what she wants and will never settle, which I love! At the end of the month I will write a blog post about my time at Dwan Studios to share my experience working in a prestigious design firm and also living and working in Milan.

I promise promise, my blogging break is over and I am so excited to get going with everything again!

Dream big!! x

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